OMAM's Permanent Collection

In 1946, Ormond Memorial Art Museum became the permanent home for a collection of spiritual oil paintings by the artist Malcolm Fraser.
This series of 56 original paintings — with the central theme of "SPIRIT IS LIFE'S ONLY SIGNIFICANT REALITY" — was presented to the City of Ormond Beach by the artist as a memorial to those who served in World Wars I & II, and represents 50 years Fraser's work.
Fraser Virtual Gallery
The images of the first 15 paintings below depict Mr. Fraser's complete cycle of Creation: the fall of man, his redemption and final victory through cooperation with cosmic law. The narrative description has been taken from the original catalog and is in the artist's own words. The remaining paintings are not presented in numerical sequence as the message in each painting is complete, yet has a definite bearing on the central theme of the entire series.
No. 1
The Waters Covered The Face Of The Earth by Malcolm Fraser
27" x 21"
"And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."
"And God said 'Let there be light,' and there was LIGHT."
The source of all LIGHT is also the source of all LIFE. To have one's LIFE or SPIRIT illumined with the LIGHT OF UNDERSTANDING is to be in tune with the INFINITE.
No. 2
"I Am The Light Of The World"
“I am the light of the world. I am life.”
These words were written possibly forty-five hundred years ago, in Egypt. Ra, the Egyptian’s name for the SUPREME BEING, is speaking. How long, for how much longer will man be deaf to this message given so long ago, this message that means love, and peace, health, and freedom from all care?
I Will Divide The Waters
The Spirit and the Flesh
The Temptation Of Eve
Eve After The Fall
Realization (Eve's Vision)
Cast Out Of The Garden
Motherhood (Mary And The Babe In Egypt)
For God So Loved The World
It Is Well With The World
What Hast Thou Done For Me
Cosmic Justice
The most definite thing in the world is Cosmic Law which has for its foundation, JUSTICE: the absolute balance of all. God is an Entity of free will under law. In all His creation He evidences freedom of His will. This is the element He breathed into man at creation and is man's most valuable asset.
It is this Spirit of God in man that keeps him moving onward and upward toward a fuller cooperation with his Maker.
The Soul Escaping Death
The Great Physician
Fear and Life
What is Man?
The Soul Was Created For Daring
David and Goliath
Haughty Pride And Its Victim
The Two Powers
The Greatest Thing in the World
The Rainbow
Symbol of the great joy of God's promise that man shall live and never again vanish from the earth.
"And there was a rainbow round about the throne." - Revelation 4:3
Life Shall Not Vanish From This Earth
It Is Never Too Late To Mend
Come Unto Me Ye Who Are Heavy Laden
The Shore Of The Narrow Sea
Safe In The Arms Of Jesus
Via Della Morte (The Way of the Dead)
To Those Who Overcome A Crown Of Glory Shall Be Given
The Builders
Love Saving Fainting And Exhausted Life
The Hope of the World
Mother Love
Mentality and Luck
Luck as we know it is no doubt, the result of some Cosmic law in action that we are not yet cognizant of, but will some day be able to make practical and intelligent use of. Everything was first a thought, hence nothing could come into manifestation without Mind action, and according to Law and Order.
Reunion After Resurrection
On The Roll Of Honor
Salome Dancing With The Head Of John The Baptist
John The Baptist
The Young Mystic
The Thinker Of Nazareth
Jesus Of Nazareth Leader Of Men
Let There Be Light
The Turn Of The Way
The Spirit of Spring
Plowing In The Sands Of Time
Rock Of Ages
The Jester