'Our nation stands stronger for their service': Ormond Memorial Art Museum recognizes veterans in annual tribute
Alexis Miller, Ormond Beach Observer
A promise to remember: OMAM Veterans Day Tribute guest speakers highlight meaning of sacrifice
Jarleene Almenas, Ormond Beach Observer
'Think about the sacrifice;' Volusia-Flagler celebrates Veterans Day
Brenno Carillo, The Daytona Beach News-Journal
Annual Veterans Day Tribute
Ormond Memorial Art Museum & Gardens was founded in 1946 by Ormond Beach residents as a living monument to freedom and to commemorate the service of World War I and World War II veterans who fought valiantly for that ideal.
We gather each year at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month to honor those who have served.

Join us under the big tent in the OMAM parking lot as we pay tribute to those who defend our freedom.
This free community event is open to the public and will include live music and inspiring speakers. Ample free parking can be found in the grass lot between The Casements and St. James Episcopal Church.
About Andrew Gygi
Andrew Gygi is a retired orthopedic surgeon. He has served on active duty with both the U.S. Army and U.S. Navy. He is a Gulf War veteran having served onboard the USNS Comfort during both Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm.
Gygi has been a member of the Coast Guard Auxiliary for over 30 years, and while in the Naval Reserve served aboard the Coast Guard cutters Point Verde and Point Lobos. He is currently a communications watchstander and ombudsman at Coast Guard Station Ponce DeLeon Inlet.
About the SPC-SW
The SPC-SW II is a 27FT shallow draft aluminum hull boat. The V-8 YANMAR diesel powered, jet drive boat is designed for shallow water operations. The boat incorporates a mechanically attached fixed fender system (Collar) made of solid closed cell foam. This platform is a center console, open deck design. While the SPC-SW II is designed for shallow water rescue operations, it is also capable of performing most Coast Guard missions. The SPC-SW II was manufactured by RECONCRAFT Estacada, Oregon. The Model of boat is 27FT SPC-SW II and was built in 2022.
About Suzanne Oliver
Suzanne Gurule Oliver is a Naval Aviation veteran with extensive mechanical expertise, having worked on both fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters. In 1977, at a time when it was rare for women to serve in the military, she qualified as both an Air Crew member and a Plane Captain. As a founding member of Digital Solar Industries LLC in Orlando, Suzanne has made significant contributions to the tech industry. She also established Heart of a Fighter, a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to supporting women veterans and first responders transitioning to civilian life. Although Heart of a Fighter has now closed due to the successful transitions of many women since the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, Suzanne’s leadership and military training have solidified her role as a strong advocate for women in technology and maintenance.
Recently, Suzanne launched Momentum Research, a for-profit company based in Daytona Beach that specializes in utility pole mapping and double utility pole documentation. In addition to her professional accomplishments, Suzanne is a proud mother and grandmother, actively engaging in STEM programs to inspire her oldest granddaughter, who dreams of becoming an engineer. Suzanne is also a Master Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and a graduate of Tony Robbins Mastery University. She serves as a leader at Tony Robbins Leadership University and holds a degree from SRI University, where she graduated as a Practitioner of NLP and Master Trainer. As a certified life and business coach, she is committed to empowering women to build their own businesses.
OMAM's Veterans Day Tribute 2024
Monday, Nov. 11, 2024 @ 11:00 a.m.
♦ Keynote Speaker: Army & Navy Veteran Andrew Gygi
♦ Special Guest Speaker: Naval Aviation Veteran Suzanne Oliver
♦ Welcome: Ormond Beach Deputy Mayor Harold Briley
♦ Presentation of Colors: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Joint Color Guard
♦ Pledge of Allegiance Ormond Beach Police Chief Jesse Godfrey
♦ Live Music: Jennifer McGill of Halifax Repertory Theatre
♦ On Display: SPC-SW II Coast Guard Response Boat
Inside the Museum | After the Ceremony
♦ Refreshments: The Pilot Club of Daytona Beach
Highlights from past events:
About Commander John A. Higgins
Keynote Speaker
CDR John A. Higgins' Naval career started in September 1969 at NTC/RTC San Diego, CA. After "A" school, he trained as an Aviation Machinist Mate (jet engines) in Memphis, TN. His first fleet assignment was A-4's with Attack Squadron Forty Four, at Cecil Field, FL, followed by Attack Squadron One Two Seven in Lemoore, CA. He was later assigned to VQ4 at NAS Patuxent River, MD, where his "flying career" began and he logged over 2500 hours in the EC-130 Hercules. His love for flying flourished and he became the NATOPS Evaluator for TACAMO Inflight Technicians and VQ-4's "1980 Sea Sailor of the Year' In April 1981, Petty Officer Higgins was selected for the LDO Aviator Program and transferred to AOCS, Pensacola, FL. He completed his flight training in the T-28 and T-44 aircraft in Corpus Christy, TX, earning his wings on July 16, 1982. He then reported to VT-3 in Milton, FL as a Primary Flight Instructor in the T-34C to train new aviators and later as a FITC Instructor, training new assigned instructors. LT Higgins was later recognized as Pensacola Schools Command, Instructor of the Year, logging over 1800 hours in the T-34C. In April 1986 he was reassigned to the USS Ranger completing four tours as the Flight Deck Officer. Immediately following he was assigned to Point Magu, CA where he completed (three) six-month deployments in Antarctica. His next set of orders sent him to CFLSW DET NOLA in New Orleans, LA, operating T-39 Sabreliners as the NATOPS Officer and Wing Evaluator. In May 1993 upon completion of Aviation Safety School at Monterey, CA, LCD Higgins was assigned to VR-54 where he flew the new C-130T as the Safety Officer and Aviation Maintenance Officer. In September 1996 he transferred to NAF Washington as VR-53's Officer in Charge. In July of 1998, CD Higgins assumed the duties as Executive Office of VR-51 in Kaneohe, HI, and took command of the Squadron in September. He retired in December of 2000 after 30 years of service. In civilian life he continued to fly as a corporate pilot for another 16 years before fully retiring.
About Commander Anita A. Williams
Special Guest Speaker
CDR Anita A. Williams completed a Master in Professional Studies (MPS) degree program at Georgetown University in Executive Emergency and Disaster Management (August 2022). She also holds a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from Lynn University and a Master Certificate in Explosives Technology from Missouri University Science and Technology. Professionally, Williams serves as a Commander (O5) in the United States Coast Guard Reserves and is a recently retired DOJ Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) Special Agent with extensive experience in world-wide criminal investigations and interviews/interrogations. Over the course of her distinguished and multi-faceted police career, CDR Williams’ focus has been criminal justice and public safety with specialized training and credentials in the areas of national defense, criminal investigations, emergency and disaster management, and executive leadership.
About Daytona Beach Choral Society
Music by Daytona Beach Choral Society
Attendees can expect to hear the National Anthem, and perhaps even a patriotic sing-a-long!
For more than 40 years, this community choir has brought the “joy of singing” to Volusia County. In addition to concerts that cover genres from classical works to contemporary pop, DBCS offers an outlet for our residents to learn new music, sight read, harmonize, exercise their vocal skills, and socialize with friends.
In 2020, they tackled their first virtual project, a performance of “A Tribute to the Armed Services,” which was arranged and orchestrated by Lloyd Larson (watch the video at
About Hope4Veterans
Pop-Up Art Exhibit
Hope4Veterans is a nonprofit organization that helps our military women, active duty, National Guard, and Veterans, through education, social events, and mentoring. The Hope4Veterans vision is to prevent isolation, homelessness, and suicide by providing sister connections, social meet and greets, Art and Women Projects, Peer2Peer Sister Program, and the resources and tools to help military women obtain the benefits they deserve.